[TRANSLATE] -Which crime are you most likely to commit, according to your star sign

The criminal behavior most likely to land you in jail!

Stars Insider

02/07/24 | StarsInsider


Criminology, the study of crime and deviant behavior, has been around since the mid-18th century. Among other things, criminologists study the causation of crime and the personality of criminals; all over the world there are people looking into why people commit crimes, and which criminal behaviors are more common than others.

While there are many different theories as to why people commit crimes, overall, experts agree that there are multiple genetic and environmental factors to consider. Astrologists, meanwhile, will tell you that a person's tendency towards criminal behavior—including which crime they are most likely to commit—is determined by the stars.

Intrigued? Check out this gallery to find out which crime you are most likely to commit, according to your star sign.

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